Chemical Peel

Chemical peel treatments utilize an acid to remove the outer layer of skin cells. Peels cause an acceleration in cell turnover, improve hydration, and stimulate collagen renewal, resulting in an improved texture of the skin.  They are used to treat skin conditions like acne, clogged pores, hyper-pigmentations from sun damage or melasma and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

aha peels

(alpha hydroxy acid) Glycolic and lactic acid peels are considered light peels with no down time. They provide smoother and brighter looking skin. Various concentrations can be applied to meet your individual skin care needs. Best results are achieved with a series of treatments 1-2 weeks apart.

afa peels

This intermediate strength peel is a two step process.  It combines a clay mask with an amino acid filaggrin-containing antioxidant proven to help treat melasma, sun damage, acne scarring and dull skin.

Jessner Peels

A stronger, superficial peel that can improve deep wrinkling and fine lines, reduce appearance of sun damage, age spots, melasma and diminish blemishes and breakouts. Peeling occurs within the first seven days and skin healing within ten days.

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